Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday's workout

My goal is to get back to where I was last summer: regularly snatching and pressing the 16kg and ultimately training for the TSC next spring. I have noticed that while I'm not as strong as I was, progress isn't too slow. I am getting stronger. I've been trying to work at least one Vo2 Max workout per week into the rotation. Yesterday I wanted to do 40 sets, but it just wasn't in me. I only managed 22. Oh well, I guess the last few days have finally caught up with me. Besides that:

20 16kg 2HS X4 warmup

Vo2 Max 12kg 7/7 22 sets

OHP 12kg 6/6
10 12kg front squats
TGU 12kg 1/1

Renegade rows 16kg 6/6
On-the-knee push ups 5

10 24kg 1HS X3

30 second planks X2

Today, a long walk, about 3 miles with the babes.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I'm back, stealing my old (old) blog title, and linking from my other old blog, here's the brand-new, not to be changed again blog, chronicling important stuff: workouts, life with a new baby, and whatever else I feel like.

June 9, 2009, I gave birth to an insanely cute, healthy baby boy: Francis Jack Roque. 8 lbs, 15 oz. It was a long and tiring labor and delivery (is there any other kind??). I thought I was special for having endured over 24 hours of labor and almost 2 hours of pushing, but later found out that's just kind of how it goes. That day my life changed forever, and so I decided that I needed a new blog to show for it.

I don't know how someone who isn't in shape could do it. And I was, by no means, in the best shape I had ever been in. I gained about 40 lbs during my pregnancy, almost too much, but still withing a moderately healthy range. I gave in to a few too many pregnancy urges. I swung kettlebells up until about 3 weeks before I went into labor. You can read my pregnancy blog here. Now I am still 25 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I'm committed to my kettlebells again. Who couldn't be with this face staring at you every day?

So, I'll post my workouts and maybe some other kid-related stuff for the family to see. We're going to start rollerskating when the rink starts Sunday morning skating in the fall! Grandma can watch the babes while Russ and I get our skate on once again.